Gain Instant Visibility and Insights Into Frontline Data and Activity
Recover the critical frontline data trapped on paper forms to drive improvements in productivity and quality.

Easy On the Spot
Access to Information
Cut NPT and the hassle of searching for information your frontline workforce needs with fast, easy access on their mobile device. Quickly check standard details for equipment, including customized data fields and related technical and installation manuals.

Instant Issue & Defect Tracking
Empower frontline workers with a complete history of all issues and defects related to a work process or equipment including issue details, resolution status and actions, prior actions by team members and access to every related inspection or digital work process.

Flexible Dashboards
Quickly access details on any aspect of frontline operations through ROO.AI’s web portal with easy search, sorting, filtering and downloading across all modules including workflows, assets, issues, maintenance, work orders and safety reports.

Customizable Analytics
ROO.AI provides fully customizable dashboards and reporting for the KPIs that matter most to your business. Track compliance, measure response times, spot and understand defect trends and map skills to personnel. Analyze any data captured or integrated with ROO.AI.