

Beat the Auto Shop Rush Hour

Mobile payments streamline approvals and transactions for a better workflow and customer experience

Most repair shops request that their customers drop cars off at 8:00 a.m. and promise to have them ready by 5:00 p.m. for pick-up.   From the customer’s perspective, dropping off and picking up their vehicle from the shop at these times can be logistically challenging, especially if they are responsible for taking their children to school, or if the auto repair shop is not located close to their own workplace.  If they are able to arrive at 5:00 p.m. to pick their vehicle up, customers often have to wait in line to pay for the service, because everyone is doing the same thing at the same time. The service manager or shop owner experiences a rush hour in the office at the end of the 


What is a DVIR?

What is a DVIR?

A DVIR is a Driver Vehicle Inspection Report, a formal report whose purpose is to confirm the completion of a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) inspection by its driver, as required under 49 CFR 396.11 and 396.13 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.

Per 49 CFR 396.11, a driver must conduct a post-trip inspection of each vehicle they operate at the end of the day. Any discovered issues must be reported and corrective actions taken.

Per 49 CFR 396.13, a driver must conduct a pre-trip inspection at the beginning of each day by reviewing the last DVIR completed on the vehicle and verifying that the required repairs (if any) have been performed.
